[ Fandom - Jiang wei ] SANITARIUM
[ Fandom - Jiang wei ]
Grammar correct - Digitalized
‘I was been SHUT here for a month.’
Jiang wei cannot believe his eyes – his sepulchre, his temple, his town, and his festival, all of these are for honoring a dead general, Jiang Wei.
“I am still ALIVE!!!!!!!!!“
So here is he in the sanitarium.
Since his grandeous delusion is serious, the doctor decided to put him in a single ward. Staying in the ward is really boring, so the nurse brought some history books for him. But those books are rorty, he cannot stand the colloquial in it. Further more, these books are grotesquely light.
Jiang wei refused to read books, he asked other time killing things with politeness, so the nurse lent him a television and DVDs.
“The television is a box displays pictures,” the nurse said, “Just like mirror or water display your image.”
Jiang wei wonder if he is dreaming. However, if the answer is yes, he has no idea how to come down to earth.
The pictures that can be display in the television, called dvd disc. Many of the discs that nurse lent him are about war, and he was amazed by how human do the battle in this world. People hold a metal tube to shoot fire, some of them put themselves in a grand (big) metal box, drive it to fire others. The catapults are also made by metal, and they throw the bombs. All the humans in the dvds weigh little, when the bomb explode, they fly high quickly, fall, and become dust.
‘That is what my dream told me – humans is dust. ‘
When the doctor came, Jiang wei hugged him and tried to lift him up,
“ You are heavy. ” Jiang wei said.
The doctor diagnosed that he has disorders of motion and behaviour.
You know what I mean
You could put a label on a life,
Put a label on a lifestyle
You know
Put a label on how you wake up every morning
And go to bed at night
Lyric - High Voltage (Remix) by LINKIN PARK